The Phlegraean Fields: Greek and Roman Archaeology in an full day trip

It’s a guided tour of: Cuma, Baia and the Solfatara . Private trasportation in a van driven by a professional driver

The Phlegraean Fields are a large volcanic area located north of Naples. The landscape is made up of low and wide volcanoes still active. Because of the sulfataras, volcanic fumaroles that mainly emit volcanic vapors and gases with a strong sulfur component, the ancient Greeks and Romans thought that here was the entrance to the Underworld.
1) The first visit is Cuma, the first colony founded by the Greeks in southern Italy in 750 B. C. We will visit the so-called cave of the Sibyl, a seer whose oracles were very famous.
We will then go up to the highest part of the Greek city, the acropolis, where we will see the remains of the temples of Apollo and Jupiter.
2) Visit of Baia, a huge and spectacular Roman villa from the Republican era later transformed into a large hotel. The villa is spread over several terraces and has numerous rooms, frescoes and mosaics. The most important buildings of the complex are 3 indoor swimming pools, one of them with an intact dome.
3) View of the Solfatara from the top.


-Meeting in Naples: Hotel, train station, airport ecc.

– Trasportation to Cuma by private taxi

– View of the forum of Cuma

-Guided visit to Antro della Sibilla

-Guided visit to Tempio di Apollo

-Guided visit to the Tempio di Giove

– Visit of the Acropolis of Cuma

-Reaching the Baia Termal Baths and guided tour

– View of the Solfatara volcano.

– Trasportation by taxi to your hotel or accomodation



Meeting Point Options: Address or Intersection

Duration: 6 hours

1 hour is generally for the lunch.


Trasportation by private taxi from the meeting point in Naples to the archaeological sites, round trip.


  • Guiding Services
  • Private Transportation


8 euro – Admission fees. Free entrance for under 18


  • Personal Expenses
  • Souvenirs
  • Food, Drinks, Snacks

Other: Admission fees. Free entrance for under 18



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