Paolo Mondola
Hi to everyone, I’m an archaelogist and I have been working as tour guide (license n° 1792 of the Campania Region) for several years . I was born in in the middle of the bay of Naples, by the mount Vesuvius. I have always loved history and archaeology, also because, where I live, there are the incredible excavations of Herculaneum.
Welcome to the real Italy.

Archaeologist – Licensed Tour Guide n° 1792. Master’s degree in Classical Archaeology from “L’Orientale” University of Naples, one of the most prestigious universities of this discipline in Italy . I’m specialized mainly in Greek and Roman Archaeology. But more than any title, I think I have the right experience to guarantee an good guided tour trying to convey my passion and my belief: to make known ancient history and archaeology. And an innate passion for my job.